Originally Posted by wageslave
Originally Posted by DigitalDan

There aren't enough phoucin' hours in the day anymore. Phouc it.

I'm getttin' into the drilling business.

BD the 1/4" Man

I thought we were gonna get some Stewardess stories.........for a second.

It was back in the early '70s when the epic Age of the Hawt Stew passed into oblivion. They are now either fat, ugly, gay or all of that in spades. Oops, can I say that? Guess I did, oh well.

Subsequently I never accrued much in the way of stew stories since I was on foreign shores makin' mothers out of whores and a few widows. That I missed the opportunity saddens me.

Last time I saw a collection of stews that were chitt hawt was in Miami in 1989. Was meeting someone at a hotel by the airport when the crew of a Lan Chilie flight came down to the lobby for the shuttle. Richard still remembers that covey. Holy Jaysus... Blonds, brunettes, gingers...stunning...

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain