Originally Posted by MontanaCreekHunter
Boxer cats got her tongue lately. Don't go teasing her with those big saw pictures. Could you even begin to imagine her trying to handle that? The little 576XP only has a 28" bar on it and that would be a blood bath in the works in her hands.

WTF can she say,other than wax poignantly poetic upon all the things she's nearly done,with all the wares she's nearly had and from all the places she's nearly been?!!? Then frost that Imagination and Pretend copiously,with real tears of angst,due the frustrations associated with the "nuances" of cardboard boxes. Jesus [bleep] Christ,who dresses the poor dumb bitch?!!?

Stupidity is the gift that keeps on givin'.


If you were forced to try and make a living with a chainsaw,you'd simply be dead...but luckily for you,Pretending is as close as you could ever get. Hell,feel free and conjure up what it's like to score "trinkets" as per whim. Laffin'!

Still groovin' on your "hard charging" forays and here's hoping you,Jeff-O,Shefire,Blackheart,and WyoWhimper can collect enough pop cans,so you gals can REALLY set the bar with a fabulous recounting of a Fall Hunt via the "incredible" depth of "experience","knowledge","firsthand accountings" and "results" of the Do-Nothing Gang and their perpetual Dumbphucktitude.

Congratulations? Here's to your Imagination and to just how very [bleep] badly you need it.

Bless your heart.


I'm with ya',in that there ain't nothing funnier than a Do-Nothing Dumbphuck flaunting her Imagination and Pretend.

I nearly feel bad poking jingle into the beanie,one-handed.


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