Originally Posted by Seafire

ya know what? I'll use Big Buck's post here...

you boys are right... trying to get someone who was evidently raised in an outhouse on the back side of a cheap dumpy bar, to get them to have some manners and a clue about how to respect fellow forum is a total waste of time...

I have been guilty of giving Schtick more credit than I should...he is a waste of time...

you can take the hick out of the outhouse, but not the outhouse out of the hick...

I humbly stand corrected...you guys enjoy 'em.. never had anything I needed to know, so I'll yield to allow those that think he does, follow him...

he'll be the one guy on my ignore button and I won't have to bug you guys trying to speak about respecting others..

Schtick.. welcome to my ignore button... but you're still welcome at my supper table if you're ever in town..

Superb idea!

The Chosin Few November to December 1950, Korea.
I'm not one of the Chosin Few but no more remarkable group of Americans ever existed.