That was some photogenic-ass goatsh!t though!

Done the initial hike in; about to drop off the edge of the world here... dunno if a pic can do it justice but I'll try. Seriously steep and recently logged but I can still see the old trail I used to use to get down it all the other times I've done this b!tch of a hike... Then back up & out the "waterfall trail" which will be interesting as a section of it was obliterated by logging as well recently. That is thigh-poundingly steep as well. Then about 1.5 miles back to the truck on the logging road.

Cool thing is, this takes me by a steel plate conveniently hung by some wiity, enterprising, handsome young lad a couple weeks ago! smile

[bleep], best look away. This could be a bit outdoorsy for your Kube butts.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two