
It's entertaininger than [bleep] that you've never turned a lick,never will turn a lick and have long been accustomed to formulating excuses why. Simply a shame that you's too [bleep] stupid to savvy the humor inherent in your Do-Nothing Day Dreaming Dumbphucktitude. Kudos for frosting same,with a heartfelt whine about what a schit-hole Wisconsin is,along with your deadbeat job precluding you from leaving or having the means to do a single [bleep] thing Outdoors. Humors me,that you wish to make Whining "fashionable" and I wish you great luck in that pursuit,if only because it's all you've got.

Now it's your Cook's "fault",that you are a lazy Do-Nothing Day Dreaming piece of schit and your very [bleep] impressive list of excuses grows even longer. Now THAT is [bleep] Entertainment and it don't get any funnier than you doing the best you can,with what very little you have to work with. Congratulations?!!?

Why is it the astute can always reliably connect dots and you Do Nothing Day Dreaming Dumbphucks are forced to salve your Reality with a plethora of chicken schit excuses? Then you sorry Dumbphucks feel compelled to wax eloquent on all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been to.

Good thing Imagination and Pretend is free...or you'd be 100% broke down.


Hmmmmm...how next to fuel your Imagination,so you can practice your Pretend? Lemme connect a dot for you,so you can continue to talk out your azz about the things you know the least about,if only because Stupidity ain't an Act for you.


[Linked Image]


[Linked Image]

Just sayin'...though I cain't wait to hear the fresh list of excuses you'll use,to "justify" keeping your [bleep] tethered to the couch. Where do you incredibly inept Dumbphucks come from?!!?

Wow +P+.


I enjoy your Imagination almost as much as you do and your "hard charging" GoogleFu Plagiarism is undoubtedly very "rewarding" for you.

Here's to the sanctity of your Imagination and Pretend,as well to how badly you need both. Fairly [bleep] hilarious you cain't take the training wheels offa your P&S and do for yourself.

You've an uncanny knack to suck at everything...bless your heart. Points awarded for you being of the opinion,that anyone could demean you better than you can,while doing your "best".



Here's to your quest to make Dumbphucktitude "fashionable" and for Imagination and Pretend to trump Reality. You really are doing "well" in the pursuit of that "happiness".


Great Wapoozy,

It's a [bleep] hoot to be privvy to your incessant Whine and I'd not slight how very wellfounded it is. Cracks me the [bleep] up,that you came so oh [bleep] nearly close to hangin' a pic of your own,but Bigsqueeze talked ya' out of it. Laffin'!

Getcha' some and showcase your splendid Imagination and feel free to touch upon the salient points,as to why Pretend is so very [bleep] precious to you. Noone would slight your incredible list of "reasons".

[Linked Image]



Sugartitts...I very much enjoyed your tear stained Vagina Monologue,that waxed eloquent on how you've come from a long list of Do-Nothing Dumbphucks and how you've been bred to believe dat's a "good" thing. How very [bleep] convenient for you,that being a Day Dreaming Do Nothing piece of schit is stellar "performance" in your AO. Too [bleep] funny!

Keep the "pace" you "hard charger". Cheer up Sweetie,noone can make you look like a bigger piece of schit than you can and in fairness...you are really knocking it outta the Park.



The Do Nothing Gang is patiently awaiting the invent of the camera system,that'll capture Imagination and Pretend.

It's their last glimmer of "hope".(grin)


If you swipe her Imagination,she'll have nothing left and that'd be mean. Just let her play with it,if only because it's all she's got.


The Do Nothing Gang can only Imagine and Pretend,which is why they HATE the advent of dirt cheap cameras and cling to excuses as their final foot hold. That disconnect from their Reality is their sole salvation and rest assured they's gonna fight tooth and nail to retain same.

Which is why of course,this is the BEST [bleep] Thread ever!

Hand 'em slack on the rope and watch the show.


Thanks for the "riveting" commentary on how you was and is,a Do Nothing piece of schit.

You are a literal Treasure Trove of Imagination and Pretend.



I see you are still cramming things in your mouth and azz,with [bleep] yet perpetually tethered to the couch. Congratulations?!!?

Kudos on the heartfelt whine,tears streaming from crossed-eyes and your fascinating inside look at the humor associated with Retardation. Your aspirations to be able to out-excuse all others,is brilliantly on track and that you do so obliviously,is more than a whole [bleep] bunch poignant. Bless your heart.

Here's to the humor associated with you doing the best you can,with what very little you have to work with.

You go girl!


I've long been afforded the luxury of not being forced to guess and noone has a more open mind in looking to find a better way. Never was one to wonder about things,so simply procured and extrapolated in R&D and believe it or not...such approaches will reliably yield uncannily accurate feedback in the firsthand.

That analytical approach sends the Do Nothing Gang for a [bleep] loop,because Imagination and Pretend just cain't hang with Reality.(grin) The fruits of gainful employment [bleep] 'em up too,as "work" is the dirtiest of 4-letter words to 'em.

It fuels lotsa Imaginations,sends Estrogen levels through the [bleep] roof and makes for World Class Whining...as the Posers clamor for fresh excuses as means of "justification" for being Do Nothing Dumbphucks. Why is it that they always cling to the ruse,that someone else can "magically" make them appear to be an even bigger piece of schit than they can?

People crack me the [bleep] up and this is assuredly,the BEST thread ever!


Humor is always best,when it showcases the incredibly inept,doing the best they can with what very little they have to work with.

Would still love to see a pic of the Do Nothing Gang lined up,with placards denoting their "vocation". It'd be the hallmark of Hallmark and be the funniest [bleep] picture of All Time.

Oh what great lengths they go to,in order to skirt Reality.


500...he was funning you.