Originally Posted by SamOlson
Awesome find Dan!

Great dog pic Mojo.

I went beaver hunting after work today, right before dark.

There is a beav knocking down trees on the creek and making quite a mess. Not a lot of trees as it is so I decided to shoot his ass. Snuck up a tall cutbank right above his territory and sure enough spied him about 10 minutes later.

Sat and watched him and a muskrat do there thing until it got dark. Never did shoot, guess I'm getting soft.

Nicest evening of the year, perfectly still.

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Nice pics, Sam.

Beavers are remarkable little things (both kinds)...

They can cause a mess though. I remember when I was a young teen doing landscape work, etc for this old couple at their vacation home.

They had a beaver making a dam in their little creek and I was tasked with taking it apart. Had NO idea how well those things were put together. Ended up having to call a guy to blast it out which apparently is SOP.

They also supposedly make the best coats...somehow I can picture Ace sporting one (grin)!

After a kinda schitty start, October has ended up being absolutely b-e-a-utiful here with the forecast to remain the same for the next week or so. Great hunting, or just being outside, weather.

It ain't what you don't know that makes you an idiot...it's what you know for certain, that just ain't so...

Most people don't want to believe the truth~they want the truth to be what they believe.

Stupidity has no average...