That's a big ass lizard, I don't care who or where you are. Yikes.

Not far from my house is a little waterway called Bennett Creek. Shallow, twisty little time machine where man never left a mark. Was putting along one morning awhile back in a 13' aluminum vee-bow w/6hp Johnson (my other boat has bigger Johnsons). Came around a tight bend and lo(!) a 14' lizard was layin' on the bank about 10' from me. Big fat one, probably weighed close to a ton I'm guessin'. I was decidedly uncomfortable, all things considered. Did my best imitation of "not hog", whistled in the dark and all that...

Big Mamma and her peers make a livin' eatin' hogs than graze the shore line for Gawd knows what. Kinda like the pic of the salty above. Nature's balance...

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain