Originally Posted by DigitalDan
No sympathy from me Ace. What version of fish is that?

1 shirt, 2 shirt, 3 shirt more.........

'Morning to all you lunatics!


That particular one is a great example of a Cutt-Bow. Rainbow cutt-throat hybrid. They are VERY common on the North Fork of the Flathead. Back in the 80's, when I was a kid, when the hatches really got rolling, you'd catch 150 dink native cutts in a day.

Rainbows got more prolific farther up the river over the years, and they spawn very close to when cutts do. Now, the DNA is pretty much all hybrid. Also, FWP did a lot to help restore bull trout to the fisheries around here, which ARE a native fish, and very good at eating littler fish. Between the predation (likely also leaving more food for the survivors) and the hybridization of the Cutts, with smarter DNA, when hatches really blow up, like last weekend, a 60 fish day is a good day and if you know the spots you can sluice one good 20"er in a day. Believe me, they put a [bleep]' whoopin on a 4 weight.

I'm Irish...

Of course I know how to patch drywall