Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by Boxer
3wks of Rut Vacation starts in the AM and it'll be time to see if a 223AI will kill a Buck. I hear good things,but am dubious,because Poor Dumb Don can't dress herself and licks light sockets.

Deciding what to wear for Hero Pics,is a daunting undertaking and mebbe Jeff-O could build a chart to assist with such harrowing decisions.(grin) Here's to all the DNK's and their BWT's,which make this Thread oh soooooooooooooo [bleep] Special and to their "Merit" Badges worn so brazenly as symbols of fortitude. Though the crossed eyes and drool is nice touches too. Laffin'!

It has been an Epic Journey and it will of course get even Epicer.


Where the [bleep] have you been? You spawn a thread and then bail? Unsat...



Been busy campaigning for Obammuh and thus far have Shefire's and Jeff-O's votes locked...because I showed 'em a chart.

The R&R is kicking off nicely and I'm forced to "suffer" the fruits of 6 months of vacation a year. Need to bank a Shopping Spree,here in a bit,pour a toddy and fret them pending Hero Pic duds for posterity.

Toughest part is...deciding which rifle to make Famous(er).