It is a shame that people don't realize how much opportunity is afforded a L/A single-shot Savage that will average close to 3" at 25yds. I get tired of all this Benchrest accuracy talk,because who really packs a Benchrest around with them?!?

Uploaded a Magnetic Declination App into the Barska last night,so now it shouldn't shock me,when looking NW. I will take it and the Cutco out this morning,looking for Credentia and hope to do well. If I do not,it's the Outdoors Experience that matters most to me and that regardless of whether or not I even go outside...because sometimes I just think about going outside and it works.

PM's are really rolling in now! The number of equally bruised feelings,is uplifting in spirit and the kindred comforting.

Can't wait to walk around with one in the barrel,anticipating the flick of the Safety and getting a good sound shot or two in,as others practice being mean from their Benchresteses.