Originally Posted by Boxer
Originally Posted by greydog
There may well exist within you a small reservoir of knowledge, but your offensive language and bombastic approach to communication does a great job of concealing it; if it does, indeed, exist. GD


It is nice to source Commercial brass for well under $100 per 1K,delivered to the doorstep. Never a bad thing either,that same will happily feed a plethora of wares in both the Parent and Improved version(s),including boltguns and Krunchentickers. Only a fool would purposely scheme a way to miss that boat.

I realize that it has become seemingly trendy as of late,to devise all sorts of reasons to not shoot...but you'll have to forgive my dipping into the shadows at the Station,so as to preclude boarding that train. A very wise man once said,that the more you shoot,the "luckier" you get and such things is beyond refute. We in the business call that purty [bleep] good "odds".


I'll spot you the less expensive brass, brass that can be used in a bunch of different guns. The longer .22-204 won't work in the AR platform, unless with very light bullets, for sure not 75's loaded out to touch the rifling. In the bolt gun, this round makes a lot of sense, especially the 700 series, as box mag alterations are very easy, easier than the Kimbers. And I have seen your step by step tutorial on the Kimber box mag.

The .22-204 doesn't limit one's shooting, just assures that all shooting is full power from start to end, with no need to form brass. If forming brass turns one on, then I say go for it. For the rest of us, this may be an option. And the sleek .22-204 round feeds much slicker from a box mag than the typical AI shouldered round.

Off the couch, out and about... laugh