Originally Posted by fatjack34
Slave....great picture with Dahveed....no f�cking way you were 3 bills + in that photo....no f�cking way!

The kerchief when you were a young piss cutter is cutting edge....so is the Getty hat.

Pretty sure that shirtless look you were pulling off would have been all the rage on Fire Island or Provincetown back then in the late 70's...

This synopsis begs the question...did you have a boner?

Sonofabitch...this may very well be the best thread EVAH!

Phouc you, you phoucing phouc.
So I've put on a pound or two since May........that beautiful "JOY" sweater that "MOM" made with love is near and dear to me.
The man porn pic was taken at 4th of July Creek on the North Fork of the Clearwater in Idaho........not the Far East.

P.S. I ALWAYS have a boner.

I still love you like a brother,


Have Dog

Will Travel