Originally Posted by Seafire
So how is that Child support Situation working out for ya?

State of Alaska still soaking you for $3K a month, for some of your bar room indiscretions???

or have you done a few more, to prove your intelligence?

yeah, the jokes on me... whistle

another Alaskan backwoods dumbasss telling everyone else who doesn't live there, what Dumbphucks they are..

I thought the humor was thick in here before.....And yet you outdo yourself with this one.....

Can this guy truly be this dense? I mean really, this has to be some sort of elaborate game or something, right? Nobody is this dumb....Nobody.

I am absolutely convinced now that you are oldman1942, or Karen, or Larry Root, or whatever you want to call yourself today. You really need to see a dr and have your meds adjusted.

Originally Posted by Someone
Why pack all that messy meat out of the bush when we can just go to the grocery store where meat is made? Hell,if they sold antlers I would save so much money I could afford to go Dolphin fishing. Maybe even a baby seal safari.