Originally Posted by ingwe
Here we only count one side, and dont count brow tines.... grin

Mornin everybody.

I grew up in Wisconsin where of course you referred to ALL the points on a buck's head, as you should. smile. When I moved out West you shoulda seen the wide eyed looks I got when referring to a 'nice 8 point'...

I could understand calling one a '4x4' but when they just shorten it to 4 point I still think fork horn...

Even after all these years out here, I still refer to deer by all their points...although I have kinda learned to refer to elk in the Western manner.

I have never heard of not counting brow times if they are at least a couple of inches. Interesting...

Anyway, nice pics, guys....

It ain't what you don't know that makes you an idiot...it's what you know for certain, that just ain't so...

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