Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Gosh Golly... I did my conditioning hike today complete with a bunch of field-position shooting out to 700 yards. I could post a couple pics of that woodsy adventure but I worry that the Kube [bleep] might get all horned up as per usual when it's made clear what do-nothing [bleep] they are, compared to one so great as myself.

Ooooh! I forgot. I took an Art picture. Heh heh. Hang on...

Hey Jeff-Ho, I just got back from a conditioning hike. I'm wiped.
I found a salamander under a piece of cardboard and took a bad picture of a slip-n-slide. I then fired a gun in the air.
Well, that was my day..........took 5 minutes. This Eugene bust azz stuff IS tiring. Thanks for mentoring me on how to be a worthless douche.
I am now going to turn out a dild0 on my lathe, then say I sold it.

P.S. The Eugene goats get happy when they hear the lathe turn on.
Lead on!

Have Dog

Will Travel