'Mornin' Master Wanker!

We have had no rain. My lawn wants to move to OK.

'Coons raided the compost pile last night to gnaw on watermelon rinds. I think I'm going to build a 'coon catapult. They never dreamed of being aviators.

I walked to within spitting distance of a doe deer at dusk yesterday. Wearing shorts, a red tee shirt and white socks. Asked her WTF was wrong with her and she near about pizzed her knickers. Critters take panic to a level I cannot comprehend. Didn't get any ticks on me.

Another day in the 'hood...


PS: Why are cigarettes like squirrels? They are both harmless until you light up.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain