Originally Posted by frogman43
Well Dan, I was just planning on bringing a .45 Colt down with me int he Spring......figure if they were out of my range, you could have at them with your .22 LR! LOL

Long Rifle? I use CB shorts on pigs except about a year ago I popped a couple with the LR just to see if they work. They do, but not as well as CBs. I have a couple or three LR shooters if need be but CF cartridges are not allowed in the preserve.

While back I put a fella onto a chance to bust one with the 10/22. We were about 15 yards nose to nose with Hogzilla's smaller brother. I think he wimped out but he said there was a limb in the way. Who knows? Little brother is bigger today than back then.


I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain