I moved to Odessa Texas in 1980, didn't take long to find the Black hat saloon on Grandview. I walked my cocky ass in got a beer and a seat in the corner, it didn't take long for a bunch of cowboy wannabes to show up and start asking about the super glide outside with the PA plates of it, well no one else was quick to pop up so I nodded that I'd be that guy.
Well after I'd heard another half a beer full of Yankee jokes, I mentioned that us Yankees never had our asses handed to us by a handful of Mexicans, well like the joke goes, that's when the fight started, hell I hadn't been in Texas 3 days and I had already made friends with the natives!

I'm glad chicks dig scars, cause I got a couple new ones that day, and quick tip about Alamo jokes.

After that every day I walked in there, I got a beer, played CDB "Long haired country boy" on the juke box and sat in the corner....alone

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