My reservation is simple... Those the need to know or I choose to let know, know... Those that don't need to, never will plain and simple...

My extent of Service is nobody's business but IF it makes you feel better... Yes I serve... I have since the age of 18 and continue to do so in some shape or form to this day... That, in no way should sway your respect towards me or make my comments worth any more value than anyone else... That of course IMHO... Others may differ...

I don't need a contact to learn me what a pompous ass you are as I am more than competent to ascertain that decision on my own as well as you are able to form your decision on others via their posts without any personal knowledge of the individual...

There is no "Character Assassination" attempt by any means... Those that choose to read will make that decision of their own choice and don't/shouldn't need any help in that regard...

Or at least one would think...