I enjoy poor dumb Jeff-O being stumped by a Bovine,the fact that Shefire will haveta Google same and how adept The Do-Nothing Gang is at being "satisfied" with Nothingness. As an aside,beings Jeff-O is yet again fawning for handouts,I suggest that whoever hooks 'er up,poke said 162's into a ziploc,so she at least has a chance to get 'em open...and is allowed a good visual during the sneak. Mighta wanna toss some bread crumbs and a compass in there,so she don't get lost in her kitchen either. Laffin'!

Girl Power do routinely arrange The 'Gang ripe opportunity to showcase their Nothingness,with a Tutorial on all the things they nearly did,with all the wares they nearly had and from all the places they've nearly been. Always a riot to fuel them Imaginations,if only so they can practice their Pretend!

Best running shot I've seen in a spell(250yds+ full tilt)...with a "lowly" 223AI/75'Max no less.(grin) Especially given the atmospherics associated with strong winds and reduced visibility,due to both fog and snow.

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I know playin' in the Outdoors,ain't in The 'Gangs cup of tea,especially when the weather ain't quite "balmy". Looks like a fast twist 223AI to me,if only because I've seen more than a [bleep] "few".(grin)

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It never ain't not entertaining,to allow them who need their Imaginations the most,the bandwidth requisite to extoll same,so as to satiate their realities and to arrange belly laughs for them with IQ's greater than 18 points.


I'm sure The 'Gang welcomes you with open arms,with their perpetual attempts to make Dumbphucktitude "fashionable". Congratulations?!!? Beings your 223AI is Imaginary,you need not Pretend to be a Member. Bless your heart.

Lemme fuel that Imagination of your's,if only so you can get right to work with practicing your [bleep] Pretend. Though in no particular order and I'm enjoying well in advance,that you construe same as happenstance.

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Is there ANY end to you poor Do-Nothing Dumbphucks rampant stupidity?!!?

Here's hoping not! Laffin'!