FJ, the tower in the background in 1015 ft tall and is a repeater for a radio station here. The windmill prop diameter is 286 ft. We have what has been described as the 4th richest area of farmland in the world (Saginaw Valley). Sure it makes for a great windfarm....the hard work is done. Sadly it's permanently ended any form of cropdusting or aerial planting. We farm about 2300 acres around here....most of it we own...and Sammo...we do try to keep things tidy. At least half of our elevator set up we built when I was 18...and I'm 55 now. In our township there are 72 windmills on 18,000 acres. The windmill sites were negotiated for on a 99 yr lease basis. One was put in on one of our rented farms....Not sure how we are going to work around it yet but it's value to me went down for sure....

We eat organic in our house, we just have to shoot and gut it first.....