
You forgot to Imagine that you "don't care" and Pretend "ignore"...but points are awarded for yet another genuwhine Hissy Fit and a poignant excerpt from your boundless Chronicles of Vicarious Angst,which come to fruition in your estrogen filled Vagina Monologue rants. I reckon that once it was illuminated that you were riding shirt tails,the sole ace you thought you had up your sleeve,lost it's luster. Laffin'!

I'm wishing you the best of luck in your perpetual pursuit of hoping to make being a Do-Nothing Dumbphuck "fashionable". I'm really enjoying all the killer pics you are pounding out in P Mode on your Canon DSLR,from all your "hard charging" pursuits Outdoors. Those "full" weekends of "Adventure" really tug at heart strings and it must be really "satisfying" to park wherever you wish with that blue sticker. Bless your heart.

My fingers are crossed,that you'll yet again feel compelled to proffer a tear streamed overview of all the things you nearly did,with all the wares you nearly had and from all the places you've nearly been.

Keep telling yourself you "don't care",Imagine "ignore" some more and wax eloquent upon the inherent "satisfactions" of riding the shirt tails of you culminate yet another Tutorial of the things you nearly did,with the wares you nearly had and from the places you've nearly been.

You sorry Day Dreaming Do-Nothing Dumbphuck.

Pardon my putting another log on the fire.

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It's only fitting that you truly believe scooping Goat Schit is sumptin' and it's always a pleasure to grant you the opportunity to showcase the best you can do.

You make Savage99 look like Rambo. Cheer up...Shefire makes YOU look like Rambo. Plum [bleep] entertaining,to have a rampant herd of Do-Nothing Dumbphucks,trying to obliviously outdo each other with nothingness,as their BEST efforts. [bleep] HILARIOUS entertainment!

Wow +P.


Feel free to extraploate how hue affects sizing and do not forget to use your Imagination and Pretend. I'm as easy at musing water under the bridge,as you are in concocting Pretend,reeling in Fabrication and flaunting your Imagination. Pun be intended and yet another shame that your faculties preclude your being able to net same. Ooops...another.

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Groovin' on your pics too.
