Originally Posted by fatjack34
Originally Posted by ingwe
Its bad enough when someone lives to a ripe old age then corks over. When they leave the party in the middle, it really sucks.

A lot of dead folks I pick up did not want to o get checked out prior to the event...DENIAL is a huge issue in possibly having successful medical intervention before it is too late....CPR don't do [bleep] either.....trust me....defib and CPR, slightly better than CPR but not much. Have done CPR well over a hundred times...maybe 200....have had a grand total of 2 survive and of that 2, I am not sure they made it longer than a few hours....does it happen successfully....yup....just not like Gage and Desoto on Emergency back in the day!

The boys from Squad 51 had their shyte in a sack!

"The number one problem with America is, a whole lot of people need shot, and nobody is shooting them."
-Master Chief Hershel Davis