Originally Posted by DMc

FYI: More people are hit by stingrays in TX than are bitten by poisonous snakes.
It's not a good idea to try shaking baby raccoons out of tree at night into a boat either. Who knew snakes climb trees???? Not a lot of places to run in a small boat!!!


I found that one out the hard way. We were working the bank for large-mouth bass on the Toledo Bend reservoir, and trolled under a willow tree that had draped out about 10' over the water. Before we we're halfway through the limbs my Dad started hollerin' and swattin' at something with his very expensive rod and reel. Seems a cotton mouth had dropped almost in his lap from the limbs as we cruised under them. He must have gotten that snake good the first couple of swats because the snake wanted out of the boat as much as we wanted him out of the boat. THAT was some scary [bleep].