
She does the best she can,with what very little she's got to work with. Though admittedly,her whine is amongst the best in the Do-Nothing Gang and will easily grant her admittance into The Do-Nothing Dumbphuck Hall Of Fame.

Bless her heart.


Simply one of dozens in the larder and it'd be mean of me to fuel your Imagination,with the hopes of your being able to Pretend aquiring one.



'Tis a deviation of the theme,as I seldom order stuff as is and like to dabble with profiles and scales.

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Points awarded for your tears being real and kudos for your penchant to throw a right proper Hissy Fit. It is truly a [bleep] shame,that you are too [bleep] stupid to have an inkling,to just how incredibly [bleep] stupid you are.

Here's to your Imagination and your wonderful World of Pretend and to just how badly you need both,you "hard charger". It is a never ending series of belly laughs,how you Do-Nothing Dumbphucks skirt particulars,as if they were behind a moat laden with land mines and an electric fence. Hilarious too,how "work" is the dirtiest of words to you Do-Nothing Dumbphucks and I especially enjoy you and Jeff-O's version of same,though in no particular order. I'd mention that I've cheerfully given away more than you've got,but you'd starting crying all [bleep] over again. Ooooops! Laffin'!

Reality do funny [bleep] things to Fantasy and you are an oblivious Master of such orchestrations.

You go girl!