Whiskey don't even smile...though I bet he makes more than you do. Laffin'!

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How long you figure it's gonna take you to save for the Ti take-off stock? Coupla years anyhow?!? Here's hopin' you was hard at it again today on yet another DNK BWT.

Rather impressive "pace" you've got.



I think poor DNK JB and her Proprietary Imagination,done shamed MagnumDoosh into silence...which is of course a rather [bleep] impressive feat.

BEST Thread ever!


Not much shakin' this morning,so you'd prolly get bored quick. The Milford is fixin' to rise,given the weather change over night,but there was still a few Trouts in the tributaries.

Prolly shoulda got all the Trout Ropes together in a single pic,but didn't,as I was busy castin'. Easier to swing multiple jags,instead of 50 or 60 atta whack,so opted the multi rope route(MRR) this morning.

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It appears that I'll again be busy for a spell,curing roe. There's worse "problems" to have and it beats having to save for a coupla years,to score a stock that costs well under 200 clams.(grin)

Reality ain't for everyone,nor is results...though there ain't no slightin' the humor inherent of Do Nothing Dumbphucks driving their couches aloud.


GREAT pics! I can smell the haybales,picture the barbed wire and the "rigors" associated with rolling down power windows to glass outta the truck. That is some "hard core" stuff and you'd think someone like MagnumDoosh would be ALL over it?!!? Laffin'!

Keep your Sony Cybershot barkin' and workin' your Photographic "Magic" in Full [bleep] Retard Mode(FFRM),while you flatter yourself into thinking you'd rate a PM from me. Too [bleep] funny!

Few things funnier than you thinking you've a [bleep] clue...I mean a Proprietary clue. Laffin'!

Cheer up,this one from this morning would gross All Time,though he'd not dry it.

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Keep the BWT rollin',this schit is funnier than [bleep]! Especially love the Mall Ninja JipJap Krunchenticker stuff,as it's a real [bleep] hoot! Bless your heart. Kudos as well,for EXIF totally escaping you,just like everything else. You'd think with "all" of them tags,you'd of Mall Ninja'd a Tag Bearer with the JipJap and mebbe even got a bayonet into one of 'em. Laffin'!

Here's to your Proprietary Imagination and to just how badly you need same.

Wow +P.