Originally Posted by ingwe
Originally Posted by wageslave
Are you hunting to far away from town?

Deer culling to begin in Helena

HELENA, Mont. - Police in Helena starting today plan to remove as many as 60 deer from the city during December as part of an effort to reduce the deer population to 25 per square mile.

Chief Troy McGee told the Independent Record the deer will be trapped using cages baited with fruit and oats.

The deer will then be killed and taken to a local meat processor, eventually ending up at the Helena Food Share.

McGee said that since the program began in the fall of 2008, about 670 deer have been removed by the police department.

He said the traps are only located in areas where landowners have reported problems with deer, such as property damage, aggressive deer, or collisions with vehicles.

A timely and apropo question. Coming home from hunting yesterday I turned off the expressway and went the last four blocks to my house�..literally saw more deer in the 'hood than I did in the hills�.

What's the question?

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain