Wanted to let you all know I did a testicle check today. Apparently all systems are go, which is to say my ambition and capability are still somewhat synchronized.

Gettin' stuff sorted and organized in the newish man cave and it came time to put the lead where it belongs.

Pure lead, box #1, 40#. Check.
box #2, 82#. Check.
box #3, 64#. Check.
etc, etc.
Alloys, multiple boxes 40-65#, Check.
Linotype, two boxes...
box #1, 35#. Check.
box #2, 182#. p-h-o-u-c.....check.

Probably won't repeat that, but it's done. It surprises me how well cardboard boxes hold together under load. Surprises me more it didn't rain 1-3# ingots all over my feet.


PS: I took a pic of a gal today that should be about perfect for Ace. Will post it later.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain