Why don't the lot of you go bury a digit aft and set yourselves free.....truly understand for the very first time in your shallow lives what the ultimate meaning of stink finger is really all about.
MFing romantics sitting around pondering bleeders and [bleep] whilst many are SLAVES to the very concept.
Break free from the lies, the deceit and mostly the dependence on the romanticized notion of ever being a man whilst bedding so close to that which you cannot do without.
Bunch of homosexual cock sucking diddlers! Go pour yourselves a tall boy in a tumbler with two cubes. Drink it down and try and wash away the years and tears of all that you can't live without.
The third eye blind....learn it, live it, love it!

GFYs one and all and to all a sound and peaceful night. See you scrubs in the morning.


Kindness invites abuse
du ma nhieu