So I should post the pic? I'm confused. See, at some point picking on the Kube [bleep] for their do-nothingness became... too easy. A bit like making the retard on the bus turn red and try to turn into a superhero by yelling "Shazam!"

And ol' Buttshot is just plain Boring. Boring Buttshot Welfare-Logger Autistic Hoarder Boxer. Yawn.

Sammo appears to have picked up on some Deflave's proclivities. Another Montana boy who'll be fondling and sniffing wool shirts when he's an old fart with that lovelorn look in his eye...

But anyway, I do have this pic, taken while doing something none of you [bleep] could do, even if you weren't such poosies that you hardly get away from the truck (truckette in Buttshot's case), and even though the payoff at the end of this Challenging Hike, which is to say the long range shooting, wouldn't be a payoff at ALL for you Imaginary [bleep] since, well, you don't possess my skill with a rifle and can't hit chit anyway.

So should I post this Artsy Photo, and accompanying Riddle, or are y'all tired of having your noses rubbed in your own Imaginary do-nothing Kube-based existences?!

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two