Y'all puttin' up some fine scenery pics. Might be too classy for any place but here.
Sealy, TX for lunch. Have pics, can't post at the moment. Retarded old IPhone won't download the software for PB. FM. Runnin'.
Place is called Tony's Family Restaurant on the east side. Good eats.
BD's picture, presented by my words, viewed with your imagination.
Left Ft Stockton around 9, intending to spend the rest of the inky black Texas night in Ozona. Texas don't waste money on fencing for I-10, but they do put up a bunch of deer crossing signs, mostly in the low points as you transit hill country. It's been a long day, I'm tired and the speed limit is 80.

Fangs dragging the floor board, ears laid back and all that Chitt. Traffic is nil and I'm makin' time when a pair of halogen headlights start moving in behind me. I'm not a friend of those things. Gettin' near to passing me when we woof by a deer sign. About 100 yards further and there's a doe that did the wocka-wocka thing. Real fresh and there ain't nothing left for the cooler. High beams decides to hang at my 8 so I could cover him. Wouldn't have minded except for the lights in my face in the side view.

Coyote that covered a good patch of the left lane went by and dimwit snuggles up closer, about 15' at my 8. Another doe went by on the right shoulder, ear still twitchin'. Great night for the Road Kill Grill, hey?

I'd figured out by then the gay blade behind me was driving one of those little quasi 2 seater sports cars from the land of the rising sun and I was pretty much out of humor. Let off the gas and feathered the brake, watched it slide by on the left and another 'yote went by on the right.

The other driver accelerated, as if to say "I don't need you". High beam, fog lights went on and that part of Texas had an early sunrise. About 200' ahead a doe came smoking in from about 1 o'clock like a freakin'

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain