I want to know who crosses the line first....new ground was broke during my hiatus when the "peek-a-boo" nipple shots appeared...you know the ones...bra or bikini top with scant shot of nipple...so who tests the [bleep] waters next with a bare 3rd eye blind or "bit-o-monkey" shot? Who I ask?

I got wrung up on a questionable photo once....really a judgement call...but who will be that guy....y'all stuck your dick in the dike with the nipple rim shots....dive right in....from there where does it stop? Full penetration....Ace doing a Dobie? Flave fisting himself....sonofabitch!

I should be living in a [bleep] tent on BD's observation deck out back as opposed to this nonsense!

Last edited by fatjack34; 12/17/13.

Kindness invites abuse
du ma nhieu