
I plainly stated the fact that the 11yr old has whacked more Critters and caught more Feesh than you,though it IS entertaining,that only you could count one as being the other. Jeeezus [bleep],there's no end to your incredible dumbphucktitude.

Also plainly stated that you are utterly [bleep] clueless in regards to twist rates,throating,boolits,glass and the like...mainly because that too is a fact.

Good luck sighting your Imagination in.



I reckon I'm off your hit list,as I start a 2wk Vacation today.

Whewwww!!!...THAT was close.

Did manage some World Class Pixels this go 'round,but it pains me to upload same to a PC,so I refrained and simply [bleep] the glorious results. Will whistle 'em aboard my IMac and hang a few,if only because I'm still trying to garner a fair to middlin' Fox picture and dropped the ball a wee bit,as I belly crawled inside the 100-400's MFD and had to skin 'er back a smidge,as the wind and sun was in my favor.

As per always,film at 11:00.