
I enjoy the verbose route you always take,to reiterate that you've yet again never came close to turning a [bleep] lick and how you feel compelled to expound upon the fact that you never will either. Veddy veddy intellesting train of "thought" you've got and then you frequently wonder aloud why you are such a Do Nothing [bleep]?!!? Nice that you frost same,with the concoction you formulated that there's someone "out there"...who can make you look like a bigger piece of Do Nothing Schit(DNS),than you can. Laffin'! Bless your heart.

Here's to your Imagination and just how [bleep] badly you need it. Always a treat to be regaled with the current update of all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been.

Ain't it a [bleep] hilarious melding for all,that Imagination and Pretend is well as being all you've got to work with?!!? Laffin'!

Here's to your "Hard Charging" ways and uncanny innate ability to reliably take Stupidity,to places it's never been before and trying to make same "fashionable". GOOD luck on your quest.



Here's hoping Springer has budgeted for a new Lie Detector,as Shefire would cetainly blow it the [bleep] up. Them crossed-eyes might be hard on video camera's too!

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!(grin)


It's long been a proven fact,that Critters are eager to pose dead in front of a McMillan. That one reliably [bleep] the Whining Do Nothing Day Dreaming Dumbphuck Turd Polishers up.

Gelcoat is unaffected by them tears,which is poignantly poetic.


Last I counted,I didn't have much over a dozen 10/22's. Build configurations run the gamut and there ain't too many itches I haven't scratched. 'Bucket is still down,for whatever reason...and I had a Fox pose for you yesterday evening.

Anywhoo...under the assumption of a great stock,my marked preference is the ubiquitous float action and neutral FL bedded barrel approach. Nice when flutes index to preclude mechanical lock in bedding,but extractor timing trumps all in that regard and is the best first pitch. No thang to use an oil based modeling clay to "round" the flute's profile and bed in that manner. Then simply remove clay and rest assured that the barrel's circumference is doing all the work and there's no potential for harmonic weirdness or mechanical lock,due to a flute being outta time or outta concentricity in regards to being parallel to the bore's line.

While I suffer a few S/S AMT's(with and without the OEM recoil "lug" pin protrusion),I prefer Bill's version of his own receiver. Even on a robust S/S receiver such as an AMT,I prefer to float the action and bed the barrel.

Have tried most the "go fast" parts and am really not into that schit. I like to massage my own triggers and put my own over travel stops in same and have more than a few real [bleep] Zingers. I could give a [bleep] about a Buck Roger's mag or bolt release,doodads and fluff ain't my gig.

The key to 10/22 Happiness is extractor timing,a toothpick,starting fluid and a mounting system that has cross-slots,if the ring/base are separate pieces. Don't put anything in the bore other than boolits,don't yard schit outta the stock more than requisite and simply feed it ammo in accords to it's preferences.

I hear good things,about the fun associated with a good 10/22.


Always a treat to be regaled with your Plagiarism and the epic recounting of your incredible Day Dreaming Do Nothing Dumbphucktitude.

I take it that your "Dream Rifle" sets with it's [bleep] tethered to your couch as well?!!? Laffin'! Live large and dry fire it once. I'm [bleep] crying I'm laughing so hard!

Few things funnier,than to watch you Do Nothing [bleep] set lock-legged at the watering hole and refuse refreshment. That while you wax eloquent on the "satisfactions" inherent your "results" and showcase the incredibly long list of your insecurities ala poignant Vagina Monologue. It's always someone else's "fault",that you are mired in your own "abilities and "intellect" and schit simply do not get any [bleep] funnier than that!! Bless your heart.

[bleep] amazes me,how many of you Dumb [bleep] are daunted by opening the front door,though curiously enough,you've zero qualm barging outta alotta closets.

BEST thread ever!


Busy keeping tabs on the Caribouski's they transplanted too. Done fair on 'em yesterday in low light and high winds,with a picturesque layer of fog at ground level.

I reckon in a coupla days,they'll be butting heads and with luck I'll have some pastel light to work with.

It's a tough job.(grin)