Originally Posted by MojoHand
How was the lease trip, Gdub?


This has been a very strange year for us. By the end of season last year we had 16 deer down. This year a total of 5. Last year I let my oldest son take my two bucks. This is the first year in 15 that I did not take a single deer.

It seems that we�ve had a bumper crop of acorns. Also it has been very wet over the last few months. The deer and hogs don�t seem to have to move much to find food, and they have completely gone nocturnal

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I�ve got several pix of this guy at night, but that is all.
Beginning to wonder if I've lost my "mojo". I hunted all or part of 35 days between the middle of September and the end of December.

Anyhow, my oldest shot a large cow elk and a black bear in September. I've two freezers full of meat, and until just a week or so ago could not put store any more meat, so I�ve been under no pressure to kill. All is good.

I have extended an invitation to a number of folk to join me at my lease if they are in the area.
A young man who posts as Sakohunter264 did just that.

He recently moved to the Houston Texas area, having hunted in the western states most of his life. I don't think he had ever hunted "Texas style" and definitely never hog hunted before.
Met him on the way up. It rained from the time we left through Saturday evening. That always puts somewhat of a damper on things.

He passed a shot on four hogs while waiting for a doe first morning. Almost got razzed out of camp over that.

Next morning I put him in the Canopy, he saw three small bucks and a couple doe. First light and 275 yard shot at the doe. We looked a good while and did not find blood.

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Put him at the water trough stand Saturday evening and he connected.
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Other than that we took two more deer.

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Ate like kings and enjoyed the campfires.

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I�ve made over 200 trips to the hill country in the last 15 years. Although I�m still motivated, killing is not as important as it used to be (especially when the freezers are already full). Good friends, good food and the enjoyment of being in deer camp and passing on the heritage to youngsters...........
As I said before, it�s all good.



A Kill Artist. When I draw, I draw blood.