Contrast that with a guy like Mule Deer, who's load info is freely and politely given, not cloaked in disingenuous misdirection and pidgin english, and is spot-on in my experience.

Stick is an egomaniac huffing and puffing and stomping his little foot and turning red to try to jam it down our throats how godlike he is with this stuff. Meanwhile wis bona-fides are bears in an island where outfitters advertise 100% success, and where the deer are like vermin... with a half-dozen tags and over 60% success rates PER TAG. Think on that a minute.

I've never even hunted a 60%+ tag. Maybe Stick will tell us more about his Amazing Prowess in shooting these elusive beasts in the ham of the ass on purpose?

I find blowhards tedious. When they self-promote to his level it gets annoying. When they routinely put everyone else down as do-nothing dumbphucks while blowing their own horn so hard they look like a short white mustachioed Dizzy Gillespie with blown-out Freak Cheeks... well...

Then there's Stick's whole chicken$hit thing with John Burns. That ain't ever not funny.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two