Originally Posted by Boxer


Sorry to drop the ball on the blur,though I might makes me a 2nd jaunt and focus on that technique this early evening. Was sidetracked this morning,with beating schit in the head and flying through Riggin'. Shoulda concentrated far more on my technique with the camera.

Will retroactivate a Cold Blur(CB),if only to keep things 223AI. NE corner of The Milford,in August. Kansas weather can be tryin'. Which is why I don't get out much,as I've a marked preference for blued/walnut wares.

[Linked Image]

Hands is purty cut up and hurtin',from shopping at the Milford Market and I might have to take me a day off from the tributaries,to let 'em heal a smidge. Could see myself chasin' 4-legged Critters in the interlude.

Film at 11:00.

Hope I didn't hurt your feelers.

Was that white stuff in Kansas today?