Originally Posted by Seafire

Yeah I did seek help, both my pastor and my analyst both agree with me.. I am fine... and they also agree that Schtick is displays alcoholic symptoms and is evidently MR Tough Guy to try and overcome his Shortman's Complex.. whether it is on line etc...

as far as responding to Battue, got to admit, got up to "water the flowers" when mother nature called this morning and the thread was left on the computer from last night when I was up, so felt motivated to respond...just good timing..

Battue has asked questions and requested proof and I have let him know via PM that I am working on that very thing... although it is not really any of your business to ask progress on a question from another forum member.. but since you asked, I have responded...

its Sunday, so I hope you have a great day enjoying your worship at the Alter of Schtickdumb...

The Father, the Son and the Holy Schtick...

Well, there are so many gems here, it could be fun.
Your delusion continues.
Why don't you e-mail this thread to your pastor and your analyst and THEN let them advise you.
That way, they won't be hindered by your slights, lies and distortions.
The way you word, or flat ignore, facts in your responses leaves me highly doubtful that you are any different with them.
If either person said ANYONE was displays alcoholic symptoms from typing words on a screen, they need help themselves.
Battue can respond or not however he chooses. What I see is, him asking the same question and also saying "Seafire, you have not answered my question", over the course of a couple weeks. Normal thinkers would be inclined to believe that in open forum or by PM, the question had not been answered. Especially so, when said response would show Seafire in a bad light, if Seafire could not prove a false accusation.

Have Dog

Will Travel