Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by MojoHand
You got a deer with balls! Nice, bro.

Awaiting details...

I found a herd that had two bucks. One smaller (dead one) one bigger (that's what she said and yes I saw him again when I went to clean this one) and I lost them, found them, lost them, found them. Anyway, when I saw this [bleep] he briefly paused and looked back and I was sure I had the right one. He started trotting uphill at 200yds and I let him have it. I knew it wasn't sure thing, but I also knew that TTSX would catch at least part of his spine. He buckled hard and appeared to be done. I racked the bolt and stayed on him and sure as schit stinks he got back up. I drilled both shoulders, and he did a backward somersault back to the bottom.

I have never in my life heard a deer yell like this [bleep]. "BWAAAAAHHHH!" Soon as he hit dirt, he didn't event twitch.

Walked up and thought '[bleep]'. Got out the Bali-Dong and there was his buddy 2-300yds away giving me the big GFY. Cut my tag, and now we have next year. grin



Why didn't you call 911?