Originally Posted by DigitalDan
When I was about 6-7 years old I had a long bow with a half dozen or so field tip arrows. Before it was popular to have people hold your beer and do stupid chitt.

I shot an arrow into the air. Near about straight up. When it started coming down I noticed it didn't seem to be headed much of anywhere 'cept straight at me, so I ran. Hard as I could.

It hit me on the back of the right heel while I was in full gallop. Despite the lack of injury or pain, I learned something that day. It is possible to shoot yourself with a long bow, without intention or aim.

I defy anyone to duplicate that feat, be they Irish, Kraut, or Mongolian.


PS: Mongolians like the recurve bow. I learned this in the movies. Strange little phoucers they are.

PSS: Ace is one of my favorite desperadoes.

Dan, I gotta tell you. Every day I read a post where someone says they "laughed out loud". I want to go on record and say that your post has absolutely made me laughed out loud. Literally.

That was funny stuff right there.

Oh, and I shoot a longbow too.

"The number one problem with America is, a whole lot of people need shot, and nobody is shooting them."
-Master Chief Hershel Davis