
Appreciate your taking the time to drop by and flaunt your Imagination...if only because your Pretend is always so very [bleep] funny. Though not nearly as hilarious as your Reality.

Get a kick out of you Do-Nothing Dumbphucks and I'm looking forward to your Haybale & Crockett Collage and the salve to your Reality,that even someone as [bleep] Stupid as you,knows better than to try.

Turd Polishers crack me the [bleep] up and you've got it going on.



Hilarious to me,that as soon as you try to dabble wares in the firsthand,you revert to the fascinations of sticking things in your mouth and azz. I'd not slight your familiarity there,nor your proclivity to swoon your penchants,but cain't begin to understand it.

That being said,it'll be tough for you to top the humor inherent of saving jingle for months...to yield THAT. No need to cite the initial precursory Whine,as an excuse for your best efforts being so [bleep] reliably [bleep] dismal. Just think,if you start saving now,you'll be able to afford a box of boolits for it,in a mere month or so. Laffin'!

You really do put some wear and tear on your Imagination and I reckon your Pretend is wearing patches too?

Holy [bleep] dogschit,you're a riot!

Lemme fuel your Imagination for you,yet again.

[Linked Image]

Stupidity is THE gift that keeps on givin' and Toots...you's a bottomless pit.


Ain't it [bleep] remarkable,how you is/were/are a Do-Nothing Day Dreaming Dumbphuck,no matter where you Imagine your feet being at the time?

That is quite the "accomplishment".

Wow +P.


I too think it was a pic shot from a boat,on the water and yet tied to the crux of the thread's Title. Connecting dots,is how I roll.

Never was or will be into the Safe Queen Thang,but do find humor in it. Spent primers remain the Supreme Tutorial and backstops that bleed,is always the best.

Never was into Boomers.

[Linked Image]


I too was in a boat.



Not only do you get to flaunt your Imagination about being in the Outdoors and Hunting,you get to use it for poozy.


PLEASE say sumptin' in Karate. Laffin'!


Few things more funny,than a Do-Nothing Day Dreaming Dumbphuck Pretending to Imagine Ignore.

Poor addled dolt,cain't even remember her last Fabrication. She is a "hard charger" and then some.