Originally Posted by Boxer
Originally Posted by Seafire
Originally Posted by Boxer

You are reliably amongst the ranks,of THE Dumbest of The Do-Nothing Dumbphucks. Bless your heart.

No need for you to perpetually reiterate all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been. Here's to you doing the best you can,with what very little you have to work with and to just how badly you need that vivid Imagination of your's,to bolster your Pretend.

[bleep] hialrious,to watch you reliably take stupidity to places it's never been before.



I enjoy your Imagination nearly as much as you do,though for different reasons. Laffin'!

Got a kick outta your Pretending to Imagine having me on Ignore...nearly as much as the hilarity associated with your incredibly long list of insecurities you like to whine about incessantly. That despite the fact,that the Tear Stained Treasure Trove is exceedingly wellfounded!

Tough to trump the humor of a Bat Schit Crazy Blue Haired Lady,with a keen interest in trying to be the first gal to bitch herself happy,as she whines eloquently in an unrivaled oblivious Vagina Monologue to pinpoint the incredible depths of her Dumbphucktitude. It really is [bleep] amazing,that you so reliably suck at sooooooooo many things. Congratulations?

As per always,I'd happily cut the check for the video of you Jeff-O and Poor Dumb Joan,trying to sneak up on a glass of [bleep] water. Laffin'!

Here's to your imagination and to just how badly you need it!


If you swipe her Imagination away...she'd have nothing left.

That'd be mean.(grin)


Enjoyed the rant and points awarded for the tears.

You go girl!


Baiting 'em in,ain't very Sporty.


It's only fair to grant them who need Imagination and Pretend the most,the bandwidth requisite to "showcase" their "results".

In fairness,it never ain't not funnier than [bleep].

I am totally in awe!

who else can type that many words and not say a friggin relevant thing???

keep impressing yourself Schtick... it gives Slave a stiffy...

but what? No pictures?

how is 'Slave going to wet his pants with appreciation again???

guess he'll just have to wet his pants in disappointment...

You two yoyos are so entertaining...

but now that I have posted something about ya agin, I am sure your fan club is going to run 5 pages on condemning me again, since I don't think you are the Hero they think ya are...

hope none of them hyperventilate like Slave did the other day and pass out...


Weren't my intent to horn you up,nor to have you come crashing out of the closet yet again. Though in fairness,your homoerotic fascination(s)/preoccupation(s) are so powerful as to preclude your Imagining to Pretend to be able to control them. I know you are heavily invested emotionally,so as to allow other homosexuals of your ilk to join Scouting and hell who knows...mebbe you've a dramatic flair for cooking and you'll be a trendsetter,granting opportunity to outsell the Girl Scouts in cookie volume and influx copious revenue due your "skills"? Congratulations?

You Drag Queens really are a "rugged" and "hard charging" lot. Don't take anything more than available bandwidth for you brazen broads to fly offa the [bleep] hook and throw a right proper tear stained Hissy Fit,as you keep trying to tell yourself you've got it going on. I very much enjoy how Stupidity isn't an Act for you and it is entertaininger than [bleep],to watch you routinely unravel and point fingers,towards how all is everyonelse's fault. SugarTits,noone can condemn or slander you,better than you can and that you are sleepless in regards to fretting same,only adds to the inherent [bleep] hilarity of your Ding Bat Do-Nothing Day Dreaming Dumbphucktitude! You'd best pop 10 Midol and squirt 1500cc's of Vagisil in your usual location and cross your fingers that it'll help diffuse your Estrogen fueled mood swings and curtail your hot flashes,along with your inability to preclude wantonly chasing cock across busy intersections at rush hour.

Hmmmmmm...how to next fuel your Imagination and grant you opportunity to extoll yet another impressively long list of your insecurities?!? Decisions,decisions. How's about a Prince for you to fixate upon,some splendid composition and mention if only in passing...that the 1D3 is well above your pay grade.

I reckon it good for another 5 gallons of wellfounded tears.

[Linked Image]

Here's to your doing the best you can,with what very little you've got to work with. I'm on pins and needles awaiting the next installment of the things you almost did,with the wares you almost had and from all the places you've nearly been. You go girl!



I think you knocked Shefire up. Her titties are swollen/tender and she seems to be getting more moody.(grin)

'Course it just bolsters her keeping her [bleep] to tied to her couch...so nothing has "changed".(grin)


I believe you've transposed KIssin' Cousins for Baiting,in regards to Mississippi dating "etiquette" .

our morning BlahBlahBlah report from NOWHERE ALASKA, complete with family pictures per usual...

move along folks, nothing here of any importance or noteworthy value to society....

just another bushbum coming down from last night's bender, posting before he passes out for the day, so he can sober up...

have fun sleeping it off Schtick...

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“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez