Originally Posted by DigitalDan
I forgot about the milk snake too. -sigh-

You guys been cavortin' in my absence. Carry on. [Linked Image]

Poobah, that gnarly hand and snake, looks like a Gaboon Viper? I gots to admit that snakes in the US are a lot tamer than the rest of the planet, 'cept maybe for the sea snakes. Those things are another story entirely, far above and beyond terror in my book. I mean, little girl wettin' pants time AFAIC.

We had 3 bad players in 'Nam, I'm not sure which was worse. The Cobra is sorta the no brainer and they got big over there, as much as 10'+. The krait was known by the troops as the 3 Stepper, as in you got 3 after it bit. I dunno it was that quick, but there was no antivenom and Wikipedia notwithstanding there was no such thing as a benevolent bite from one of them suckers. Third was the bamboo viper which looks an awful lot like the green snake common to the SE US except it had a ruby red tip on its tail and was prone to drop on prey from trees and bamboo above.

Funny story about the cobra over there: Long Range Patrol off in the bush had set up a night defensive perimeter and were hot bunking in a manner of speaking when not on guard. Guy switches out with another fella, pulls the mosquito net down and lays down on the poncho liner. "Th-whapp" on the side of the net. He thought it his buddy phoucin' with him, so he swats back and "Th-whapp" in reply. After a couple or three iterations he got pissed, pulled his flashlight with the red filter and rolled over. He was starring at a fully deployed, combat ready cobra about 2' from his face. Story had it that he went full auto with his CAR15 and hasty retreat to another bivouac followed in the dark.

Maybe it was Les' brother?

I hate snakes

I also schit myself reading that story.