Originally Posted by fatjack34

Slave has his cock in his fist and is trying to figure a way to press it in his own mud ring...he don't know [bleep]...now pay attention you Hab loving fool...Tuner is a CO boy and I assume an Avs fan...we won't claim him here in NH but we would if asked as we like the lad.
I am a Black and Gold fan....I [bleep] hate the Canadiens and always have. The ducks are Johnny come lately losers!
The only upside to you is that your team is an original 6 and that counts for something.
Other than that.....yes, I occasionally sleep with FF'ers...I am NOT homosexual but I am willing to learn.
You my friend are a [bleep] liberal foreigner so for that.....
GFY.....your opinion doesn't count. Suck It!

That's some good schit right there.
Thanks buddy, they don't call me longdong Holmes for nuttin'.

Have Dog

Will Travel