Shefires med experiance is punching bores and nothing more. Ok well maybe handed out some grunt candy too here and there. Of course he will have you believe he is just about everything under the sun. Dog Dr. too.

Jeff-o you really are a complete waste of oxygen and your mother along with shefires mother should have swallowed.

It is very clear that shefire has an obsession with boxer. Which for anyone even close to having a normal life is creepy to say the very least. Don't believe for a nano-second that she has a friend that is LEO that dug up anything on boxer. The only thing he found out was from a simple search which didn't tell him much at all.

battue that poor damn Toby I know how bad he is mistreated, about as bad as my chessie. He still doing his little trick? That had me lmao. Hey might be able to shoot the weekend of June 15th.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.