Originally Posted by ironbender
Thanks for the answer, but I guess I don't understand it. But, I'm only running a Stihl 031 w/ 20" bar. wink

It was something similar to this that was scribed under the brim. What are those measurements and where do they come from?
A tree with a 13'-67",13'-62",13-60",13'-53",14'-50" and 14'-44" ...

Grade/Sorts are what a log's fiscal value is based upon and when denoting what a tree had in it regarding volume,the length is cited first...then it's diameter at the smallest end,running from the butt to the final cut(top). So in the runs cited above,there were (6) Merchantable logs in said tree and their diameter is in descending order,as their length ran up the tree. So in 78' of lineal tree length running from the butt to the final cut,there was 12,000 bd ft of volume...the remaining was unsuitable for recovery,due to Market conditions or relative worth. So in 78' of lineal length,there was 23" of taper and Grade/Sort recovery was based upon surface characteristics,interior characteristics,length and diameter,in conjunction with how much weight a given machine could handle in those particular conditions,which is a whole 'nother gamut of of the game.

Conversely,here's 200'+ of log in a single tree and my Bucker is barely visible at it's top,in the background. For more extrapolation,it ran for a goodly portion at less than 1" of taper per every 10 lineal feet in length and Jap's would be Sword Fighting on the Landing to cut the check for same. I've killed piles of trees that were worth $100K+ and them opportunities ain't handed out haphazardly,because money do grow on trees and it's ALL about recovery("saving wood") and Grade/Sort utilization/maximization.

[Linked Image]

Due to the lonnngggg jingle involved,extry pains are taken to reap max dividends for all parties and because so few can do it,them who can,are in the highest of demand and [bleep]-a know it. Schlepping 2-3 saws around with 3-4 big Silvey rams and a power pump,ain't for the faint of heart on the Billy Goat Rocks. Nor is pumping everything up the hill to save wood and watching same rattle butt-first downhill for what seems like forever and then it gets sporty working it up.(grin)

[Linked Image]

I had (5) of my videocameras out the other day,trying to accumulate footage outta the thousands of miles I've shot,hoping to roll some into digital but threw in the towel,due to volume and said "[bleep] it". It's a pain in the ass to go from 8mm,to Mini-DV tapes,then to digital and assemble an edited work. Gotta finger out a better way to transfer/edit schit,though I've miles of stupendous stuff stockpiled.

Some day.


It's your Imagination,please feel free to Pretend with it all that you want(need). In fairness I've only put 100,000,000+ bd ft on the ground,though it's entertaininger than [bleep],to hear you get giddy over 4 cords and flaunt getting lost in 5 acre parcels.

Always a treat to be regaled with all the things you nearly did,with all the wares you nearly had and from all the places you've nearly been. Please keep up with your version of "results" and wax poignantly in the sole "satisfaction" of same,as you charge effortlessly unto your Quest to make Dumbphucktitude and being an unemployed lazy piece of schit "fashionable".

It surely is a [bleep] shame,that you are too [bleep] stupid,to have an inkling to just how incredibly [bleep] stupid you are.

Happy Imagination to you!


Here's to you doing the best you can,with what very little you've got to work with.

Always a treat to be regaled with your "hard charging" exploits.



Sucking my ass,ain't gonna make your Rat any bigger.