Originally Posted by BC30cal

If you are so inclined ingwe, do the locals call them "jack fish" up there?

We used to call northern pike that in Saskatchewan - '60's and '70's time frame - and called walleye "pickerel".

Anyway, it's good to see you all made it up and back safely and from the looks of it, had a grand time.

You all have a good week ingwe.

No, they dont call them jackfish, though I fished in Sask. in the 90s and they were still calling them that there. Likewise Ontario, where people still treat them like vermin ( which they will regret...) and walleyes are also called pickerel...

Wife's fish was #16 on the button, we have taken them up to #20

She got hers in 2 feet of water, on a 5 and 1/2 foot ultralight.... grin

Last edited by ingwe; 07/01/13.

"...the left considers you vermin, and they'll kill you given the chance..." Bristoe