Originally Posted by woodsonchris
Wow what a junk thread. Opened it hoping to find an interesting read. Sadly I'm dumber now having read one page out of 200+.


I'm VERY [bleep] impressed,that you could botch a Tutorial that touched more than a leetle on all the things requisite to ring the bell. Damned few could [bleep] the obvious up in such a fashion and it's only fair to mention that due your gross ineptitude,you sorely missed the initial quantification of your [bleep] stupidity. [bleep] few folks on this Planet could walk away as empty headed as you,after poignant reiteration of them things which bear the most fruit and a pictorial that accompanied same.

Please feel free to cite any/all words that were too big for you to savvy and I'll happily take the time to rub your nose in your own stupidity.

Here's to your being lead to water and being too [bleep] dumb to drink.



5 acres and 4 cords...really is copious quantities to Couchbound [bleep] and their "hard charging" results.



Your version of everything is [bleep] hilarious and it don't get any [bleep] funnier,than granting you the stage to do the best you can...with what very little you have to work with.

Groovin' on your "results" and how they never jive with your Imagination or Pretend. I'm glad that being a lazy piece of schit,Day Dreamer,Dumbphuck of repute and a whining [bleep],soooooooo agree with you and that you are at ease in flaunting them things oh so brazenly. The humor associated with your being oblivious to your delusions,simply has no peer in it's epic splendor.

At least Imagination and Pretend is free!


Them's touching pics and cheers to you for being to so many Jerry Lewis Telethons and really going out on a limb and getting it done. I'm crying I'm laughing sooooooooo [bleep] hard!

Your Imagination is as entertaining to me,as it is to you and I get a kick outta your Bat Schit Crazy delusions. 'Tis a perpetual shame,that you is too [bleep] stupid,to recognize how incredibly [bleep] stupid you are. Though in fairness,that oblivion sure as schit do add to the [bleep] humor and your haste in reliably quantifying your incredible Dumbphucktitude,is rather something to behold. The trembling lip,Mascara stained tears,stomping feet and perpetual reiteration that you "don't care",is Comedy that rates a PPV. I much enjoy your constant regurgitation of all the things you nearly did,with all the wares you nearly had and from all the places you've nearly been. That schit will never get [bleep] old,nor will the Vagina Monolgue Whine.

Points awarded for riding shirt tails and the humor associated with that too! You are a [bleep] Estrogen fueled Train Wreck. It is a fascinating journey to grant you the opportunity to weigh in via firsthand,as you list your countless insecurities,writhe in vicarious angst and practice your Pretend ala your Imagination. Which Mall do you Ninja at again?!!? Laffin'.

Only fair to fuel the fires of your Imagination,so as to elicit another Vagina Monologue and letcha wax eloquent on even more things you is [bleep] clueless about.

Mmmmmmmmm...let's see,as the light did change a wee bit last night. So many pics to choose from,that I'm often torn as to which splendors to offer,due my gracious nature. I feel a touch slighted,as I cain't offer any Retards,pavement,streetlights or schit riggin'. Laffin'!

G-12 'bou and don't think it ain't hilarious,that you don't know what that means!

[Linked Image]

It's a bitch wearing sunglasses at midnight and beyond. '12 fueled,if only to add to your consternation and to fuel yet another of your hilarious delusions.

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Yet another change of light,in the same evening and the '12 barking.

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'Course...I'm still hearing good things about the 1D3/100-400L melding,even during the same evening.Whattayer thoughts on the bokeh rendered,the sliver of DOF isolation enhanced via terrain features and a belly crawl angle of attack,along with the '400 tromboned to 370mm WFO,with a stop of exposure compensation dumped in? Laffin'!

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You may wanna avert your candy azz from the forthcoming carnage and reposition your [bleep] on the couch,so as to preclude seeing The Outdoors as it really is,for your first time. Laffin'!

Swoop And Scoop ala AI Servo,centerpoint AF,'400 at 320 WFO,back button focus,high speed drive,subtle exposure manipulation(half stop) and the usual propensity to deal in native ISO stops(200 here).

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Hey,mebbe you could take a picture of a stop light for me and mebbe even a stop sign?!!? Your "Adventures" really are "inspiring" and "all" your "knowledge","experience" and "results" certainly bear that out.

Wow +P+...you is a consumate piece of Day Dreaming Do-Nothing Schit,but in fairness,it's the best you can do, with what very little you've got to work with.

You sorry dumbphuckers are a [bleep] riot!