Originally Posted by SamOlson
I was in the worst mood of my recent life yesterday morning until I got home and had a beer a cigarette with Lynnard.

Terrible mood, thought it was some sudden seasonal depression or something like that. Down in the gutter feelin'.

My dad asked WTF was wrong and I said hell if I know.

Lynnard leaves and for some reason my wife asks me if I could tell she used decaf coffee.

No chit.

I guess we ran out.

Wife on couch, headache.

Caffeine is some good chit!

Lynnard your dad? F�cking caffeine is about all I have left. I f�cked up most of the other little pleasures by overdoing the f�cking sh�t out of all of them...take It to the brink kind of overdoing... Hey man...if you dig it, do it...if yo really dig it, do it twice!

Kindness invites abuse
du ma nhieu