Originally Posted by SuperCub
Originally Posted by Boxer

LOVE your pics. Though I do notice they's sparse,as of late.


I don't take pics of myself on a daily basis, nor have I converted a lot of my older pics to digital so I could try to impress others on the internet with past glories. I just don't need that kind of self-edification as do you.

It must be rather pathetic to be so insecure about one self that you think you need to daily reinforce the opinions of others with images of self grandiosity.




I'd be amongst the last to hint that you do or see anything noteworthy,that'd rate a photo op...let alone on a daily basis. Points awarded,for allowing that glaring obvious to fly over your pointy head. Congratulations?

Just think of all the "film" you save,by simply being you.



Keep telling yourself you do not care,while whining incessantly in your heartfelt never ending Vagina Monologue,as a road map to pinpoint all the things you nearly did,with all the wares you nearly had and from all the places you've nearly been. Then frost it with your "experience","knowledge" and "firsthand" accountings...while crying the Blues on what an incredibly huge piece of schit you are.

Bless your heart,you "hard charger".


You make a good point,in that it's only "fair" to fuel The Do-Nothing Gang's collective fires of Imagination with pixels,so they can pinpoint the literal focus of their Pretend.

In passing,it's often intellesting to observe Critterly behavior in a myriad of scenarios and with undaunting regularity...as even a change in light can glean some intel. I know,I know...it ain't as "exciting" as a Slug Race or plagiarized pics from the 'net,but Reality assuredly ain't for everyone. So here's to them doing the best they can,with what very little they have to work with and for beating their drums of Dumbphucktitude in perfect harmony,as they wax eloquent upon all the things they almost did,with all the wares they almost had and from all the places they've almost been. Kudo's to The Legion Of Couch Commandos,brazenly setting atop their [bleep] at a full stop with seat belts firmly affixed,helmets on and Tactical bibs placed in accords to drool management techniques...while "living" vicariously at a feverish pitch,via their Imagination fabricating Pretend.

Tough to trump the inherent humor,of Do-Nothing Dumbphucks trying to outdo eachother in their incredible Nothingness and pontificating poignantly on how it's all someone else's "fault". Stupidity,IS the gift that keeps on giving and it is the cruelest of fates...that the maligned are oblivious to their Dumbphucktitude. Though it is funnier than [bleep]!

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Always entertaining to grant them sorry Do-Nothing Dumbphucks the stage,so they can flaunt their Nothingness and whine poetically that they just don't care and is plum "satisfied" in their "results".
